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Currently reading

Don Quixote
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Edith Grossman, Harold Bloom
Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version
The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance
Susan Wise Bauer, Jeff West
Final Harvest: Poems
Emily Dickinson, Thomas H. Johnson
The Making of a Poem: A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms
Eavan Boland, Mark Strand
Tales from the Tao: The Wisdom of the Taoist Masters
Solala Towler, John Cleare
The Emperor of Nihon-Ja: Book Ten (Ranger's Apprentice)
John Flanagan
The Truth About Witchcraft Today - Scott Cunningham 3.5 stars A little too defensive. I understand the desire/need to address common misconceptions that are spread either maliciously or out of ignorance, but perhaps some other format for that address would sound more like an intelligent rebuttal and less like a whiny "So there!"